About Us
I spent most of my childhood on a small ranch in Idaho with my Grandparents and studied zoology in college, so I always knew it was going to be about animals for me.

In 2008, when my husband and I got our very hungry little Harlie, we never expected to find out she had hip dysplasia at six months old.
The doctor said she would need a $10,000 operation if we weren’t able to get the extra weight off. As any true dog mom would do, I began researching desperately to find the best possible solution.
We were feeding her what we thought was a high-quality food without much change. When her trainer mentioned the RAW diet, we were skeptical but decided to give it a try out of desperation.
The dramatic changes we saw with the RAW food blew us away. She lost weight, no more digestive issues, her doggy breath was gone, her energy was better and so much more. Harlie was a different dog!
The expense of the RAW dog food we were buying prompted me to learn how to make it myself. Not only to make it affordable for us, but I knew that other people needed to have access to this healthy way of raising their dogs. Making healthy RAW dog food and all natural treats was my mission...thus starting Proof PAWSitive in 2012.
Flash forward 12 years...
Harlie celebrated her 13th birthday this year and our family has grown quite a bit! Our little Ryker was born in 2013, we adopted two orphaned puppies in 2015 (Osa and Olaf), then adopted two orphaned kitties in 2017 (Tom and Jerri...after losing Oreo), as well as having 5 goats and 30 chickens. We live on our small farm in Erda, Utah that we built in 2015 surrounded by nature and lots of animals! We have our own commercial smokers and spend many a night (and plenty of days!) surrounded by chicken breasts, beef tendons and RAW wild game dog food.
While making our RAW food, we also started creating completely natural dog and cat treats. Our treats, chews, food and bones are adored by many of our furry friends. We use only local livestock and naturally smoke everything ourselves for an irresistible flavor. There’s never any preservatives and we use only the finest ingredients.

My bulldog, Harlie and I thank you for letting me live my dream...helping animals to have happy and healthy lives! From our home to yours we hope your fur baby enjoys every bite of what we create. We stand by our name that it is 'Proof PAWSitive' they are going to LOVE it!!